Monday, March 26, 2018

Practical issues in building standard forensic workstation

As I mentioned in previous texts we are trying to setup student environment flexible enough for various forensic tools while simple to deploy on university cloud infrastructure and laboratory machines.

It is a bit of dangerous task since unification usually does not work at the end, but we hope we managed to get workable solution flexible enough for our purposes.
The first dilemma was about OS, since PC machines are given, it is possible to choose among Linux/UNIX and Windows. There are some key points to think about
  • we are windows shop, our infrastructure is windows based,
  • most commercial forensic tools are windows based, licencing issues must be taken into account too,
  • our students have windows skills already developed.

This topics point us to windows are base OS while Linux/UNIX being host for special functions. Windows 10 and Windows server 2016 provides us with nice integration ability trough Linux subsystem, where we can have window base with native Linux extensions. This can cover our workstation, server and infrastructure requirements. It means we can have one basic configuration which can be tweaked into custom end setup, reducing development time and simplifying administration.

27th November 2018
The workstation concept worked well during first half of semester, actually it was easy to extended and upgrade it to double up size of virtual lab. 

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