I've just been one among trainers on the "Training Course on Combating CyberCrime", organised by Judicial and Legal Institute, Kingdom of Bahrain in cooperation with GPEN, Global Prosecutors E-Crime Network. It was very interesting event, very successful and really high above usual, perfect organisation by our hosts, judges, prosecutors, police officers from all Arab gulf states, with immense interest and will to participate,
Instead of pure "slide & lecture" scenario, it was full interaction, questions, answers, case comments with perfect simultaneous translation, Language is always problem, not only pure mother tongue to mother tongue, but also more important in our situation technical language to legal language and tradition.
I'm sure that training gets its purpose, interaction and cooperation among all participants was from start, that was the key goal, basically all definitions and answers were provided by participants, trainers were more moderators and ones who asked hard questions.
The discussion and events makes me think about terms we use and its meaning I think I should write one post on word Cyber which is often used this days